The Cutest Hedgehogs on Instagram

Hedgehogs are becoming quite popular as a pet these days. They are relatively easy to take care of and just plain cute! I think Instagram pictures of these prickly critters have sparkled the interest of many. I’m not sure if hedgehogs are permitted as pets in the Netherlands, but I do remember finding one in my kitchen, munching on cat food

I’ve made a top 6 -in no particular order- of the sweetest hedgehogs.

1. Darcy the flying hedgehog



Darcy belonged to Shota Tsukamoto who captured her adventures in beautiful pictures. Sadly Darcy passed away at the end of February 😦

2. Buckley the easy going hedgehog



Lindsay C. (his owner): “Meet Buckley the Hedgehog! He’s the sweetest little pudge-ball you’ll ever meet. They say hedgehogs are grumpy, but Buckley is quite the lover. He’s so cooperative and calm, he seems to truly enjoy each little photo shoot that we have.”

3. Gemma the social hedgehog



Gemma belong to Christian Franceschini and lives in Mexico. The pictures and movies show her getting along with various other animals and even taking a bath (I had no clue hedgehogs could swim…)

4. Biddy the exploring hedgehog



Biddy is one of the most famous hedgehogs, with almost 400,000 Instagram followers. He loves to travel with his owners and his sister, a beagle mix named Charlie.

5. Norman the snaggletoothed hedgehog



Oh my look at that tooth, he is so darn cute! Brett Jessie took Norman on two years ago after a friend could no longer take care of him. Along the way Norman has lost a front tooth, but Brett has no idea how it happened. Luckily he doesn’t seem to be bothered by it and his extraordinary look made him an instant internet hit. Norman’s favorite food are meal worms and cat food.

6. Marutaro the curious hedgehog

Marutaro’s owner posts daily pictures and videos of Marutaro in a variety of situations and settings. I think his name might refer to Maru the cat, who also likes to hide in small places.

2 thoughts on “The Cutest Hedgehogs on Instagram

  1. Love this post! I had been following Biddy & Darcy for awhile now I had no idea that there were more famous Hedhoges on instagram. They look so cute I absolutely want one but I wonder how it would feel to get pricked by one still.:cake:


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